Let’s be honest, the internet has literally opened up a world of opportunities. I mean, you can find almost any piece of information you need at the tap of your fingers. So, no matter what your course topic be. It’s very likely that there are already tens, or even hundreds of courses about that.

Therefore, the question is how can you differentiate your product in a “crowded” market? The answer is on making offers so good that people feel stupid choosing others.

<aside> 💡 You can check an example to guide you, when I developed this template for my dream customers (course creators)

Irresistible Offer (Course Creators Example)


Let’s start!!!


New Price:


The value equatio


We have four elements:

  1. Dream outcome: end result that your product gives. What’s its goal or purpose? Answer
  2. Perceived likelihood of achievement: how can I reduce the perceived risk of failing? Answer
  3. Time delay: how much time does it take to achieve the final result? See progress? Answer
  4. Effort & sacrifice: how much work does the customer need to put? Answer

The offer

High-cost and high-value: