Understand your customers at a deep level, and know what their problems are. Plus, how you can solve those problems, and build the foundations of your next product & business.

<aside> 💡 You can check an example to guide you, when I developed this template for my dream customers (course creators): My Dream Avatar (Course Creators Example)


Give your dream avatar a name:

Their age:

Their location in the world:

What their daily schedule looks like:

Their biggest pain right now:

What they say they want (the topic they are obsessed about like making money or building muscle):

What they actually want (primal desires that they probably wouldn’t talk about publicly like wanting status, sex, respect, resources, love):

What would their daily schedule look like once they achieve the big thing they desire?


Below, write down between four and six steps that your customer needs to take to achieve their dream outcome:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2